Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What? December starts tomorrow? Panic attack starting in .5 seconds....

I have realized that November was slipping by at an alarming rate and today looking at the calendar and seeing it  is November 30th and I guess I have to accept that December really truly is here and get moving on some Christmas stuff.  Get out the decorations, make some cards, etc.  This year has just flown by for me and I wish I could rewind a few months and have far more accomplished by this point in time.   I feel like it snuck up on me at the same time I realized it was approaching.  How does that happen?  I had such amazing intentions for how prepared I was going to be and yet I am not.  Not at all.   Oh well there is always next year :)  Hopefully you have your act far more together than me :)  So instead of doing anything of my to do list I thought the best way to start my day was of course with Wednesday Hodge Podge!  The list will be there later, and tomorrow and the next day.  Well hopefully not the next day I need to get this crap done.
Thanks for stopping by to read my answers to the great questions Joyce has supplied for us again {you rock Joyce!} if you are not already a participant go to her page here and join in!  

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don't you? (gasp!)

I do send Christmas Cards but sometimes they end up being New Years cards :)  Last year they went out actually in April when we were moving so I could include our new address, etc.  So I am not on the ball but they will go out sometime.  Last year I think I sent about 30 and this year it will probably be around the same or a few more.
I have a Metal Wreath that I display the cards on or I stand them up around my china cabinet.

2. When do kids become adults?

When do kids become adults... hmm.. are we talking age or maturity?  Technically don't they become adults when they are 18?  Maturity wise though I have met 20yr olds who act like they are 4 and 12yr olds who act 30.  I think it varies person to person but usually once a person goes off to school and graduates or maybe even gets married and has their first child.  I think that really helps snap them into adulthood if they aren't already there.

3. Does your 'beauty regimen' change with the seasons?

Yes.  I change my hair color with the season and usually go a little lighter than my normal look in the winter, I change foundation and I find myself slathering on a lot more moisturizer and lotion. 

4. What's something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?

I love to make sugar cookies and I have a butter cream like icing I make with them that I love.  If I have any leftover I love to dip pretzel sticks in it and eat them.  It gags my husband who likes to say, "You know you are eating flavored Crisco and sugar right?" Yes but it tastes so good.

5. Gloves or mittens?

I think Gloves.  I like to have the use of all my fingers/hand and with mittens I feel like I have little control.

6. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn't queue sound nicer?

I think one of the longest queues I stood in {besides Disneyland} was in Okinawa at the Commissary right before a typhoon and it was worth it because we were out of groceries and I didn't know when the store would re-open.  
The Disneyland lines were sometimes long when we went a few years ago but it was worth it to see my kids excited faces on their first trip there.

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the month of December?

I like planning my goals, etc. for the next year in December.   I love lists and plans and December is full of that to survive the Holiday Season and for the start of the New Year.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Yesterday was a rough day and the weather ended up being terrible by the afternoon and I was in no mood to go out in it yet we had to.  I was thinking though, that for the end of November, I was lucky that yesterday was one of the worst days we have had and I am grateful for really how good the weather has been and I should not complain.  Bad weather is coming and I just need to enjoy all the good days and not so great days before the real bad stuff gets here.  Hoping you are enjoying a peaceful and productive day wherever you are!


  1. Yesterday we had some rain. I am looking forward to the cooler weather it puts my in the holiday mode. We already had 18 inches of snow at the end of October. I don't need that much but alittle bit would be nice!

  2. I think the frosting on a pretzel sounds quite tasty! Have a great day.

  3. Flavored Crisco and sugar? YUM! ;)

    Sounds to me like the line you had to wait in was definitely worth it!


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