Monday, February 2, 2009

Waiting for Baby

Well it is the 2ND of February and I am impatiently waiting for this baby to arrive. I am due on Thursday and so I am thinking by this weekend I have to have a baby right? At least I am hoping because at this point I feel so pregnant that I don't even waddle I just shuffle more like a penguin.

Also, every time in the last two weeks I go to the commissary or the BX I get comments like, "wow you are still pregnant?" "you are huge" " you should just go home and lay down you shouldn't be out and about"
Well thank you so much. I realize that I have a rather large belly it is to be expected at 9 months and as much as I would love to lay on my couch for the last month of pregnancy life does go on and you have to be an active participant in it. There are clothes to wash, groceries to buy, kids to take care of, etc.

Anyway, enough ranting :) I am not doing great at keeping up at this but I will try and will post pictures of the new baby if he ever shows up :)
